Re: HTML Table Markup

On 13 Sep, Phill Jenkins wrote:

> I'm sorry, but I really do not want to debate what is or isn't a layout 
> table.  It's like the debate that is never ending about what is good alt 

  That can't be helped.

> text.  But we should agree on a few fundamentals.  One being that TH 
> elements do not belong in layout table - right?

  That's a slippery slope indeed. No, a TH does not belong in a layout
  table. However, a table is not a layout tool. It follows that a TH
  belongs in every table.

  The end of this debate is long overdue. Let your tool flag any table
  without a th as a potential misuse of tables, and move on. There isn't
  anything here to see.

 -    Tina Holmboe                    Greytower Technologies      
   [+46] 0708 557 905

Received on Monday, 13 September 2004 17:27:23 UTC