W3C Roadmap


Is there any document or set of documents that map out the vision of the W3C
to show why we need separate technologies like;

HTML/CSS (with aural.css)
& everything else.

and how they all fit together as a whole to address the various needs and
requirements of users.

I'm sure there may be very good arguments why such diverse technologies are
required, I can think of some myself, but I just need to be able to see the
vision that is taking us all forward in this regard, cause I want to be able
to see the forest, not just the trees.

If there is no such document clearly explaining this vision, the how, whens
and whys of all the diverse technologies, the question has to be asked; who
is guiding this vision?

Geoff Deering

Received on Sunday, 12 September 2004 08:18:07 UTC