Re: Skip Navigation was RE: Access key questions

> To alleviate the multiple pairs approach and still provide structure,
> perhaps there could be a navigation page, a main page etc.  Then, on the
> navigation page, one could go directly to the page they want and then link
> back to the main or table of contents as desired.

I've been interested in testing this concept.  Having a site where a
keyboard shortcut (or the first link on the page) that opens a navigation
window (in pop-up or the same page, user's choice).

I'm interested in seeing how sighted, keyboard, and blind/visually impaired
users respond to it.  This could also be done as a user preference for a
site, and users could choose to have the navigation on the page or offered
separately as I just mentioned, but it would be good to get some data from
users who might want to use this feature.

I'll mock something up and post a link to the list so people can give it a
try.  I'll put in a feedback form and post the results.


Andrew Kirkpatrick
Project Manager, WGBH National Center for Accessible Media
125 Western Ave.
Boston, MA  02134

617-300-4420 (direct voice/FAX)
617-300-3400 (main NCAM)
617-300-2489 (TTY)

Received on Tuesday, 30 March 2004 09:54:56 UTC