Re: New window inform user, before or after link?

On 4 Mar 2004, at 15:17, David Poehlman wrote:
> I agree that there is code to inform the user if implemented by the
> environment but many environments still do not inform.  The reason the
> author has to do it is because it is an authoring decision to code in 
> this
> way and therefore, the responsibility of the author till corrected in 
> the
> user world to do it.

A possibly simplistic view of the matter:

Good software warns users if it is going to open a new window.
Bad software doesn't.

If the author does not provide a warning, then users of bad software 
If the author provides a warning, then users of good software suffer.

Thus author provided warnings encourage users to choose bad software 
(or to use good software but disable that good feature). This increases 
the number of users using bad software and the demand for authors to 
continue to punish users of good software.

What's more - say a user is using a windowless browsing environment 
(such as lynx). Any such warning would be untrue as javascript and 
target attributes can't make new windows open.

David Dorward

Received on Thursday, 4 March 2004 10:25:17 UTC