Re: Accessible road maps

> markup language.  Are not those preceding windows software applications 
> considered perfectly usable by individuals with disabilities using the 

I  was thinking of the predecesors of Flash and of MS Word and PDF,
rather than Visual Basic, although many web sites do strive to
behave like VB.

With application programs, the key difference is that you don't download
a different application program from every potential supplier or dodgy
entertainment site.  You tend to have a small number, bought from reliable
sources, which you learn to use well.

HTML plus DOM plus scripting isn't a particularly good application platform,
though, because when people try to use HTML as a graphics library they tend
to have to go through contortions to achieve what a designed for the 
purpose GUI library would allow.  Microsoft, in pushing thick client
.NET more or less accept that, and .NET probably is not significantly 
more insecure than scripted HTML.  People who really want to run 
client side applications should seriously consider .NET.

Moreover, there are very few true web application programs.  Most
scripting is about creating variant user interface controls to do jobs
that are either not necessary (the page is a document) or could be
done with standard controls with a lot less confusion for the users.

Received on Thursday, 3 June 2004 02:36:49 UTC