Re: link in new window debate

Info at said:

...  If I know you are
using a screen reader for example, I can strip away all the redundant
navigation links, remove the images, or present columns of text in a
single column. I'll transform the content ...

Phill replies:

that is what the browser+screen reader does, it present the information in
a linear sequence, it renders the skip link, and all the other navigation
links.  We don't need the authors doing the job of the Assistive
technology.  We don't need the authors doing the job of the user
configurations settings either.

We as list members need to continually ask ourselves: Who's best
responsible for solving the problem?  The author, the browser +AT, or the
end user/operating system platform?

Received on Tuesday, 18 November 2003 17:23:43 UTC