Re: using a form field for terms & conditions

> I suppose the assumption is that the terms and conditions are basically a

I doubt that.  I think it is simply because they want to enusure that they
are on the page, but know that virtually no-one will read them, and the 
rest will be annoyed by having to scroll through them.  (Of course, they
have to maintain the fiction that people read them, otherwise, like your
bogus confidentiality notice, they risk having courts take the position that
users weren't really accepting them when they pressed the Accept button.)

As in the other reply, they can't rely on browsers having CSS2 overflow

A very few actually monitor the text box, I seem to remember, and 
will not process the accept until you have scrolled through the text.

I agree, though, with the other point that a simple link is probably 
undesirable in terms of not being a positive statement of acceptance,
but then neither is a confidentiality notice that is read only after
the unintended recipient has read the confidential message!

> This email is confidential, intended solely for the addressees, and may be

Clearly not true, so why should I believe it contexts where it might be

Received on Saturday, 16 August 2003 15:32:53 UTC