RE: Declaring <h1> display:inline creates invalid XHTML (Strict) - an y ideas?

> the whole <h1> wrapped fairly crudely. By changing this to
> display:inline I
> was able to achieve nicer letter by letter wrapping and no longer
> needed to
> specify a fixed width for the page to prevent horrible wrapping -
> unfortunately this does not validate 'strict'.

HTML validation is not related to the CSS (as long as the link between the
HTML and CSS is done correctly), so while I'm not sure it is wise to make
<h1> inline it isn't the problem.

You have the <h1> element inside a <span> elemement. They are not allowed
there, even if the h1 is no longer visually a block it is still a logical

Received on Wednesday, 13 August 2003 13:08:01 UTC