touchscreens and interactive whiteboards

Some of our students learning to use a computer were having problems 
with mouse clicking, that is they were inadvertently and repeatedly 
clicking without intended purpose. Not all like trackballs, so we 
recently removed right and left click events on this page How does this effect touchscreens and 
interactive whiteboard users?
We have a very broad range of users, and are concerned to get this 
right if at all possible.

Does anyone know how touchscreens and interactive whiteboards activate 
onclick and onmouseover events?

some I know have a 'hold' facility, but has anyone seen a survey?

Does WCAG address this difference sufficiently, it may be that this 
needs some additional specification similar to that for onfocus.



Received on Wednesday, 9 April 2003 03:36:19 UTC