RE: Rockville, MD- Seeking low vision users for testing federal w ebsite

John Foliot said:

> Another issue is dealing with content creators who are 
> accustomed to writing material and seek to "publish" there 
> tomes on the internet.  We also have "designers" who approach 
> web development strictly from an esthetic perspective, with 
> little thought to underlying functionality.

Precisely.  I think that's it's just been in the last few months that I
realized that uneducated developers are just as bad as uneducated designers.
And in my case, through the use of tools such as Struts, our developers are
having to jump through hoops to make it produce proper markup.  I think
they'd be better off just leaving it behind and writing everything properly
from the start.


Received on Wednesday, 18 December 2002 08:46:17 UTC