More on Video Game Accessibility

A gamer friend pointed this out to me:

      Before the accident, Bobby was an active person
      and also an avid fan of video games. For many years
      after, all Bobby could do was remember the good times
      he had experienced while watching others play Atari
      and Nintendo games.
      Bobby wanted to get back in "the game." Until recently,
      that simply wasn't possible. Now, with recent accessible
      technological advances, people like Bobby are no longer
      cut off from the world of online gaming. Real-Time
      Strategy titles such as Age of Empires and Comand
      and Conquer have been accessible by people with
      physical disabilities for some time using specialized

Kynn Bartlett <>       
Chief Technologist, Idyll Mountain  
Next Book: Teach Yourself CSS in 24
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Received on Monday, 12 August 2002 14:38:11 UTC