Re: [htmldesigners] Generic Icons

> I would like to legally obtain icons that mean things such as:

To bring in an accidental thread, I suspect the best person to comment
on good icons for abstract concepts would be an expert on Chinese
character etymology.  Unfortunately, in spite of some claims that 
Chinese will soon be the dominant language on the web, and the fact
that the same de facto design standards apply to such pages as to
English pages, I get the impression that no-one on this list has
Chinese as their first language.

Given that characters are icons (although many words are made by
associating two of them), I wonder if people actually learn to read
simple signs in Chinese without actually being fully literate, rather
better than someone can cope with common printed words on signs.  If they
don't, it would be a bad sign for the use of icons on web pages.

(Many characters have been abstracted from their original forms, which
is why one needs a character etymologist.)

Received on Wednesday, 23 January 2002 01:50:24 UTC