Re: Bobby inaccuracy?

> <sound class="penny_drop">
> I think deep down I did actually grasp what alt text was for but I was just
> being a bit dense today. 
> I see now what everyone has been saying and have learned a good lesson. 

It's not an immediately obvious distinction. In fact, it seems that the 
natural assumption is that the alt is a "label." You'd be surprised how 
many times I've heard that "A-ha!" response when it finally clicks that 
it is a replacement.

If you can think of a clearer way to explain this, we'd all benefit. 
This question gets asked so often on this list. We really need a FAQ 
that we can just refer people to.

Charles F. Munat
Seattle, Washington

Received on Tuesday, 15 January 2002 18:38:41 UTC