RE: Testing web page accessibility by phone

Hello all:

     I've watched this thread for some time but am a bit confused.
David and Scott, are you disagreeing and if so what is the disagreement?
Certainly people should know how to use there technology and also the web developer should use correct markup.
Also, certainly, blind poeple differ due to many things, only one of which might be technology or knowledge of 
their technology.  
The conclusions based on the facts are?
Implications for usability testing?

Should web designers use universal/accessible design?  Yes.  
Should they not bother until a blind person has taken some course in using their tools (e.g. screen reader/browser) 
No, they should continually work on it just as they would work on improving their web site for everyone.



>>> "Nissen, Dan E" <> 05/31/02 02:26PM >>> 

I think the lack of testing with real subjects is a big problem for many 
people. I was at the convention of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 
listening to some researchers from New Mexico. They were working 
accessibility for the blind with sighted subjects because they had no source 
of local blind subjects (except the approximately 3 students in the school 
who were blind). I suggested they start with the state agency for the blind 
(I work with Texas Commission for the Blind in my job as a computer 
supplier). But, I think there is a need for some help to researchers and 
developers in getting good subjects. And there is no substitute for people 
with real problems, because of the state of the usability science. 


-----Original Message----- 
From: phoenixl [] 
Sent: Friday, May 31, 2002 12:18 PM 
To: ; ; 
Subject: Re: Testing web page accessibility by phone 


Again, different points of views. There are blind people who believe 
that thier needs are not well understood nor researched by HCI/usability 
people. If something is being created from a universal design 
perspective, then it is important to understand the needs of each 
type of user, including blind people. 


> Scott, I suggest you work with developpers and I also suggest that you 
> consider the whole instead of isolating your self to the blind. 
> It is not necessarily true that a para can get up stairs. 

Received on Friday, 31 May 2002 15:12:52 UTC