Re: Something else interesting from the BBC

	I tried the BBC site using lynx2-8-5 and it appears to
work perfectly.  I didn't try every link, of course, but I
selected the schedules for BBC1 and BBC2 and read them flawlessly
for a screen or two, each.

	Now, for the big question.  How did they do that?  If
some nice man or woman in London sits there and reworks the
standard BBC site all day long, this is heroic and to be
commended, but it's not portable.

	If it is done automatically and the betsie site is
low to no-maintenance, this is definitely a way to gain access.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
OSU Center for Computing and Information Services Network Operations Group

"Simon White" writes:
>This time it is not a news story, but something much better. Check out =
>this link as I think that the BBC has taken a novel approach to =
>inaccessible pages... I have only taken a quick look, so apologies if =
>this is not quite what it seems to be at face value.

Received on Monday, 29 April 2002 11:02:26 UTC