Re: Disability statistics

> $50 to reach a certain audience in order to sell $100 of product?
> Right there the profit margin has been completely eliminated,
> especially if the cost to reach a mainstream audience member is
> only $5 per $100 sold.

Particularly in fashion type markets or ones with rapid technological
development, where it is cheaper to develop a new product to 
re-use the 99% of the market (actually, the normal expression is
80-20, so one is really talking about serving 80% of the potential
market).  Accessing the whole market only really happens for 
mature areas of the market where there is no way of selling more to
existing customers.

You tend to have to rely on legislation (both carrot - tax incentives -
and stick), bad publicity, and indiviuals adding accessibility in ways
that doesn't increase the product development cost.

Received on Wednesday, 7 November 2001 20:13:35 UTC