Promoting Accessibility

Excuse me for changing this email trail to positive only, but I've been
"listening" to this stuff all day -- and am tired of the energy expended
over these points.  Generally we're all on the same page.  

As smarter people than I have said today, we need to promote accessibility
to the world's web designers and companies that use them.  This includes the
little guys & gals who do small company and organization sites, as well as
to the bigger groups that do the bigger sites.

How do we do it?  

Let's say instead of that, how do YOU do it?  The bottom line is the DO IT

Okay, so what is this particular Guy doing about it?  I had written an
article that was in a regional newsletter for the Society for Technical
Communication (a large, international trade group for tech writers) and I
pushed it out to be republished in seven other similar publications around
the world.  My employer has posted a variation of that article on our tech
writers home page to let my fellow writers know about the topic, and my
company has included it in our "styles & standards page."  Currently, I am
jointly giving a presentation at our regional STC conference on this very
topic.  (My co-presenter is Kynn, by the way.)

I don't say this to inflate my own ego.  My point is easy: Enough talk &
more action by the rest of my fellow believers!



Guy Ball
in Southern California

(hey, I said please, didn't I :-)

Received on Wednesday, 31 October 2001 17:51:26 UTC