Re: Slashdot adopts images as category generalisation.

What does "adopts images as category generalization" mean?  What happened
on shashdot that now seems successful to you?  What does WAI need to take
note of?

I see that slashdot uses images/icons for their list of topics - is that what you are talking about?  I'm
glad they have the text caption below the images, because with out them I
would have no idea what the icon represented.  It is also very "chatty" on
voice browsers & screen readers to have both the image have alt text [tool
tip] and the visible text below the image - you hear everything twice - bad
in my opinion.


I don't visit often enough to know when this
happened, however it seems successful to me.

Anyone have a clue when this was adopted?
Will WAI take note?

btw I recently chose the MonaLisa to link to the Louvre.


jonathan chetwynd
IT teacher (LDD)         "The first and still the best picture
on the web"

Received on Thursday, 18 October 2001 14:04:38 UTC