Re: Betsie and other text only conversion applications

> BBC Factual and Learning Interactive

If betsie is the system used for the Radio 4 related web sites, the
problems I have with it are:

- important detail is missing in text only pages (the low graphics
  version of the Moneybox site, for example, contains a candidate
  link to a transcripts page (a real link to the specific transcript
  would have been better), but the actual link to the transcripts
  page only appears as text as graphics in the high graphics page and
  is not reflected in the text only page);
- total failures (the text only version of the Today program home page
  has returned a "no-content" browser diagnostics on two occasions
  a few weeks apart - I've never had it work - I did do a webmaster report,
  but there was no reply);
- sluggishness - all the pages are dynamic, even though they have
  essentially static contents, or contents with largely predictable 
  update times, so will not cache, even in the browser.

Received on Sunday, 28 January 2001 16:05:20 UTC