Descriptions of citations

Hi All:

Has anyone out there dealt with the accessibility of citations?  My site includes citations that are formatted according to official guidelines established by the publishing industry.  An example would be: 

IL-17 derived from juxta-articular bone and synovium contributes to joint degradation in rheumatoid arthritis
Martine Chabaud, Erik Lubberts, Leo Joosten, Wim van den Berg, and Pierre Miossec
Arthritis Res 2001, 3(3): 168177.

Is it safe to assume that a disabled user will understand that "Arthritis Res 2001, 3(3): 168177" represents the journal Arthritis Research, published in 2001, volume 3, issue 3, on pages 168-177, but an vision impaired person would have to know each of these since the screen reader would read the citation verbatim.  The audience for the site ( is mainly the scientific community.  Any ideas/suggestions?

As always, thanks for your help!
Brooke Dine
Information Specialist
NCBI - National Library of Medicine  
Bethesda, MD 20892

Received on Wednesday, 27 June 2001 11:49:01 UTC