Re: Usability/Accessibility testing issues

> netscape6 in win98 has borders whereas in(from memory linuxkde, appleie5,
> and win98ie5.5 it does not...

He was referring to Netscape 4.  Netscape 6 is pre-Beta quality software;
you should not make assumptions about the behaviour of the final product
without first searching Bugzilla.

Generally on this point:  HTML is not a page description language.  Authors
should assume that not all browsers implement all features and should not
assume that a border is a meaningful concept at all in many cases.  If
your design depends on such formatting details, you need to use a visual
page description language, not a structural markup language.

Once you accept this, most detailed formatting questions fall under general
HTML hacking, not accessibility, and ought to be asked on general HTML
authoring forums.

Received on Sunday, 6 May 2001 05:29:57 UTC