Re: Is AAA possible?

Jamie Mackay, at 14:44 +1300 on Wed, 20 Dec 2000, wrote:

    I was wondering if there is such a thing as an AAA rated site which uses
    images and for which the CSS code is viewable? I feel the need for some
    'real world' examples...

It's quite possible that AAA is unfeasible using today's tools (read: way
too much human effort is needed to create a AAA site to make it reasonable
to do).  W3C's front page itself only claims AA accessibility.  I suggest
that you shoot for only A or AA for the time being; these are much more
reasonable goals, and do, in general, indiate a good deal of

Given the extremeness of AAA, it's quite possible that the current notion
of it will die out in favor of a new technology approach, in which case
all your efforts into getting to the extremality will be for nought.  In
my opinion, it's better to apply the same effort to getting some better
level of accessibility in all places, since the less extreme the solution
is, the more likely it will be eventually fully adopted.

Frank Tobin

Received on Tuesday, 19 December 2000 21:29:55 UTC