RE: How to convince businesses to be accessible...

> From:	Reidy Brown []
> I'm a little surprised that no one (especially Kynn) has talked about
> using
> server-side logic to create customized pages based on user preferences.
> It's
[DJW:]  That is a lot more work that including useful 
<noframes> content or alt text, neither of which is commonly

As I mentioned before, customising pages causes problems in
terms of cacheability (which can be avoided by selecting from
several alternative sites, rather than generating each page
on demand).

Customisation, in the past, has gained a reputation for
being used to output please upgrade messages rather
than providing support for users who don't meet the norm.

It either requires new technology, to voluteer a user profile,
or an established relationship with the site.  The new
technology isn't in the field, and most accessibility 
problems arise on infrequently visited sites or first
visits.  There are some privacy issues as well.

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Received on Friday, 6 October 2000 15:37:36 UTC