Re: [WAI] Netscape 6.0

Netscape6 is baced on Open Source Mozilla. This means you can participate in
making this Accessable!  There are a lot of things that are not finished
cooking yet. And we could use your help in many ways. If you code we could use
some help fixing Accessability bugs. If you don't we could use your help
fileing bugs to be fixed. This may already be filed as a bug feel free to check
it out or join  Mozilla and help out.

Here is a link with information on how to file bugs. it is a bit arduious but
it may we worth it if eventully they get fixed.  Bugzilla Helper

Lake Roca
Usability Engineer

"Dine, Brooke" wrote:

> Hi all:
> I know the Netscape 6.0 (preview) thread appeared a few weeks ago, but I
> just successfully downloaded this version today... I was shocked to find
> that none of the tags that make our site ( accessible
> work properly!  The table summary tag seems to overwrite every alt tag,
> regardless of whether it is a graphic or image map.  Only on the first page
> does Netscape 6.0 generates the title tag from the header as an alt tag
> instead of the appropriate alt tag...
> I also noticed problems with alt tags on the Washington Post site and the
> W3C site... Does anyone else have this problem?  I am horrified to say the
> least and have sent Netscape a message about the problem via a feedback
> form... Please let me know if anyone else is having the same problem...
> Regards,
> Brooke Dine
> Sr. Web Specialist
> Office of the Clerk/OPS
> U.S. House of Representatives
> Washington, DC 20515
> ph: 202.226.4943

Received on Tuesday, 22 August 2000 17:27:51 UTC