Re: WaitingForBob -- Selfish Reason for Accessibility

At 01:20 7-06-2000 -0400, Kynn Bartlett wrote:
>No direct mention of people with disabilities, but support for
>cross-browser design:

Hurrah!  On account of him being a Famous Writer and all, he's nailed the 
point I've been trying to make since attending the WAI launch in 
'97.  Working for government force will just add another reason to the pile 
encouraging companies and people to take their sites offshore (encryption 
restriction, taxes, etc.), and besides which it pisses people off to tell 
them what to do (instead of showing them how it can help them).  The 
conservative and libertarian sites that are railing against section 508 (if 
I've got the number right) would be taking exactly the opposite approach if 
instead the WAI were presented as an industry consortium voluntarily 
embracing a diverse Internet community without government involvement.

>My Browser Is Faster Than Yours


Christopher R. Maden, Solutions Architect
Yomu: <URL:>
One Embarcadero Center, Ste. 2405
San Francisco, CA 94111

Received on Wednesday, 7 June 2000 03:28:59 UTC