[Fwd: NEW: HTML-Haven Learning Gazette]

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: NEW: HTML-Haven Learning Gazette
Date: Fri, 5 May 2000 10:37:29 -0500
From: Rosalind Fruchtman <web_lady@WRITEME.COM>
Reply-To: listdump@HYPATIA.CS.WISC.EDU

   My name is Roz Fruchtman and I am the editor of the newly created
   HTML-Haven Learning Gazette. The Gazette helps subscribers keep
   abreast of various learning alternatives available for budding web
   designers as well as the seasoned pro. Traditional face-to-face
   teaching is being given a run for its money as prices go up and money
   and extra time availability goes down. The average individual cannot
   afford to take as many traditional face-to-face classes as they would
   need to keep up with the ever-changing New Media industry. The
   HTML-Haven Learning Gazette was born in December 1999 as a companion
   to HTML-Haven. Know in advance about Leanring CDs, new web-design/
   graphic design related books, industry standard software, etc., new
   software, the best online learning facilities where you can learn from
   the comfort of your home at YOUR own convenience. Sign up for the
   HTML-Haven Learning Gazette and be *in the know!* Won't you join us?

Subscription instructions:
   Send a *blank* email to:

Owner/moderator address: html-haven_learning_gazette-owner@egroups.com

|     The NEW-LIST mailing list is a service of the       |
|   Internet Scout Project -- http://scout.cs.wisc.edu/   |
|                                                         |
|          Archives for NEW-LIST can be found at          |
|   http://scout.cs.wisc.edu/scout/caservices/new-list/   |

Received on Friday, 5 May 2000 13:09:36 UTC