Re: color orange

In a word YES.

A wonderful and powerful gold can be produced from a juxtaposition of muddy

on the Physics, Orange is near anti-cyan so in theory it should be very
pure, evidently our real phosphors don't quite make it. This is a real
problem as I understand our eyes are adapted to be especially reactive to

I had not read of this as a known problem, and believe it deserves a wider
Do try and make a rainbow, its difficult.

Also representation of faces is not helped by safe colors, ethnic minorities
are also effected.

As you will find I have decided to avoid programming this year and
concentrate on atmosphere.
Icons have great uses but not communicating non physical concepts.
Though these can be learnt, my/web interests/browsing preclude this.

a www for those learning to read.

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Received on Wednesday, 25 August 1999 13:20:04 UTC