Re: cognitive understanding

At 10:05 PM 6/14/1999 -0700, Robert Neff wrote:
>I am curious to know what the percentage of people in the world or a country
>currently use this method and how many are not included?
>What are the demographics and ages?

For any population, 3% will be "retarded", that is sufficiently cognitively
impaired to have difficulty in life tasks due to their disability. Among
school populations, 12-20% are identified with Learning Disabilities. Some
of these Learning Disabilities will affect cognition, some will not - they
all affect learning ability which is the "life task" of school-aged folks.
Cognition differences, impairments, and disabilities are found among the
"regular" population and co-exist with other disabilities. What is needed
for PWD's must include needs for this population, because these folks *are*


Anne L. Pemberton
Enabling Support Foundation

Received on Tuesday, 15 June 1999 08:03:04 UTC