Re: AlertBox: The death of single-design pages?

Marti wrote:
> David Said:
>   The best example is
> >should a chile be able to make an atom bomb?
> Great example! Hats Off!
> To take it a little further, should the instructions be rewritten just to
> make sure they are easy to understand, complete with icons showing the
> proper order of assembly?

Why should knowledge be feared?  For the most part, this "hidden
knowledge" is more dangerous in the hands of adults with hidden
personal agendas (such as the average government) than it would be
in the hands of children or learning-disabled (what's the right term?)

I knew in junior high what was necessary to create a bomb, and I
haven't blown up any countries yet (it's only been 18 years since
jr. high, gimme some time?) -- knowledge itself is not dangerous.
Can't we find out this information from libraries, anyway?


Received on Sunday, 13 June 1999 13:21:13 UTC