DefineDisability FIRST

First define disability.
Someone can be disAbled by a congenital defect, chronic illnesses or injury. 
It could be any combination of, or even multiple, congenital defects, 
illnesses and/or injuries. 
There are also debilitating side effects of medications. 
A "non-reader" is not necessarily blind - they may have had a TBI (traumatic 
brain injury) or have a Learning Disability.
Disabilities can effect fine and gross motor skills. 
(Arthritis is a common fine motor complaint) 
A Quadriplegic may use different assistive technologies, such as voice 
pilots, mouth tools or devices that follow eye movement.
Some people type with their toes!
IMO, before you can define Accessibility you must first define disability.

Received on Friday, 11 June 1999 15:52:59 UTC