AWARE BULLETIN: AWTLab Opening June 8, Fullerton CA

>New HTML Writers Guild Lab Showcases Web Access for the Disabled
>FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE         Contact: Kynn Bartlett,
>4 June 1999 11:00 PDT                       Director, AWARE Center
>Fullerton, CA                                       (714) 526-4963
>The HTML Writers Guild's Accessible Web Authoring Resources and 
>Education (AWARE) Center is pleased to announce the grand opening 
>of the Guild's new Assistive Web Technology Laboratory on June 
>8, 1999 at 4:00 p.m. PDT.
>The AWTLab is located at the Guild's Orange County offices at 
>Idyll Mountain Internet in Fullerton, California and features
>examples of computer technology used by web surfers with
>disabilities to access the World Wide Web.
>The AWARE Center's AWTLab is a resource for web designers
>wishing to learn more about the need for accessible web design
>and for testing their pages with a wide variety of unusual
>access methods, such as computers that read web pages aloud.
>"Without careful planning many web sites may be unusable by
>people with disabilities, cutting them off from participating
>in online communication and electronic commerce," noted Kynn
>Bartlett, President of the HTML Writers Guild and Director
>of the AWARE Center.  "Some web site owners may not even be
>aware that their sites shut out disabled web surfers."
>Demonstrations of assistive web technology will be showcased
>at the grand opening, and members of the community will be
>able to test their own web sites to see if they are
>Refreshments will be provided at the ribbon cutting ceremony on 
>Tuesday the 8th, which is organized in conjunction with Idyll 
>Mountain Internet and the Fullerton Chamber of Commerce.  The 
>general public is invited; if you plan to attend, please RSVP
>to or by calling (714) 526-4963.
>With a membership of over 95,000 web authors in more than 130
>countries, the HTML Writers Guild, Inc., is the world's largest
>international organization of web authors. The Guild's purpose
>is to assist its members in developing and enhancing their
>capabilities as web authors; to compile and publicize information
>about standards, practices, techniques, competency, and ethics
>as applied to web authoring; and to contribute to the development
>of the web and web technical standards and guidelines.
>Through online classes in web development, active email discussion
>lists, extensive resources for web authors, membership in the
>World Wide Web Consortium, and special projects such as the AWARE
>Center, the HTML Writers Guild works to improve the quality of
>the World Wide Web for all users.
>The HTML Writers Guild's main web site is;
>the AWARE Center website is

Kynn Bartlett <>
President, Governing Board Member
HTML Writers Guild <URL:>
Director, Accessible Web Authoring Resources and Education Center

Received on Friday, 4 June 1999 14:53:17 UTC