Re: 404 error messages

In my view error messages should not include a link to the
referring page, since the user can always use the back button if 
he wishes.

Including search options, and links to main entry pages or to a
sitemap are much more useful.

Another thing to consider is providing error messages in
different languages (depending on the user's accept-language
request header.)

For a mono-lingual site one should send the error message 
(at least) in the site's language. The default server messages 
are usually in the server's documantation language.

Also content providers should use 410 (gone or removed
permanently) when appropriate rather
than the less informative 404.

Nir Dagan

"There is nothing quite so practical as a good theory."
-- A. Einstein

Received on Wednesday, 2 June 1999 08:47:37 UTC