Some possible opposition to web access standards

Below is a copy of a message by a board member of an association
of computer users which indicates some alarmist misconceptions
about upcoming W3 and/or 508 web accessibility guidelines.  Someone
forwarded the message to me, and I've deleted names for privacy. 
I thought folks on this list may be interested as an example of
what we need to address in our public education efforts.  I plan
to respond to the specific individuals involved with this
message.  Feel free to suggest anything I should include in my


----- Original Message Follows -----

Subject: New Government Web Requirements

I just saw on MSNBC that the government is about to require new handicap
accessible html standards.

The details are at

It is my opinion that these are VERY bad standards.
In a nut shell, the visually impaired (blind) use second rate software
to convert text on the screen into audio. Therefore,

  Text in tables can not be allowed to ever wrap to a 2nd line because
  current converters read all the way accross the screen before reading
  the next line .

  You can not say "Click Here and here" because the link is displayed
  at the bottom of the screen at the text to audio software doesn't
  know this. Therefore, the user is clueless as to where "Here"
  is pointing.

  They require the use of CCS thus guaranteeing that users with
  older browsers will not see your site the way you want them to.

Comments, suggestions

Should we take a vocal position on this?

I believe that an html to audio browser would be a much better solution.

End of Document

Received on Friday, 30 April 1999 17:39:48 UTC