Re: Accessible chat

We have a similar challenge with our SNOW site. What we have done is
created a Java Swing-based chat and used the IBM SVK to provide text to
speech. If you wish, we can give you more detail about what we have done
and the access problems we encountered when using other chat programs that
led us to resort to re-writing a simple chat.

Jutta Treviranus
ATRC, University of Toronto

At 5:19 PM +0200 4/22/99, Jan Erik Hårvei wrote:
>FunkWeb Ltd is currently involved in several large projects where part
>of the requirements are that accessible chat solutions be incorporated,
>either by way of IRC or with java/html. We have explored several
>possibilities, but have trouble deciding on a solution.
>One of these projects aims at building a free-for-all virtual
>meta-community for the disabled, where information about disabilities
>and chronic illness, medical news, health related material, legal
>information, links to other resources etc. is to form the body of
>content. The service will contain a news service based on intelligent
>agent-technology, member home-page areas, chat, mailing-lists,
>web-boards etc. It's imperative that these services are accessible to
>all users. All web-pages will be published based on SQL-database
>technology, distinguishing between lay-out and content. Content will be
>published in a graphic as well as a text-only version.
>Does anybody have any ideas on how to make chat-solutions accessible?
>Jan Erik Harvei
>Managing Director
>FunkWeb Ltd
>FunkWeb Ltd was established in 1997 to employ multimedia to create jobs
>for the disabled. The company is owned by The Norwegian Federation for
>the Disabled. We currently have thirty participants enrolled in a
>three-year IT & multimedia education programme, and have established a
>multimedia production unit as well as an office for job adaptation and
>-training for the disabled.
>Our vision is a society where the disabled and chronically ill
>participate on equal terms.

Received on Thursday, 22 April 1999 17:30:01 UTC