RE: Presentation on Page Authoring Guidelines 19980918 (URL changes)

At 12:32 1998/09/29 -0600, Steve Lucas wrote:
>I am getting an "outdated link" message when trying to access these files.

Sorry folks, if you have mis-bookmarked,.

As part of a reorganization to make accessible versions of all nine of my
PowerPoint presentations, I have made both textual and graphic htm versions, 
using the PowerPoint '97 to HTML conversion tool. The PowerPoint slides were 
not reliably downloadable through my browsers (MSIE4.02, NSN4.0) or mailer 
(Eudora 4.0), or those of others who noted the problem.

I have linked these properly now from the first reference, my accessibility

The referenced name for the WAI-page authoring guidelines you are seeking I 
had incompatibly named 

As other WAI groups are producing guidelines, the "gl" prefix is too
general. The inaccessible PowerPoint version was pa980918.ppt. Now there 
is a zip file for the htm versions of that set, with 130 files, named

Also a zip file 

that contains the PowerPoint representations of all 9 PowerPoint files 
described in the index, and individually available as a container for
the two htm presentation forms. I believe that is downloadable and 
properly recognized as a filetype to be saved for subsequent unzipping 
into a directory.

Please let me know if those pesentations are useful to you. Feel free to
use them.

Sorry for that confusion. I hope you find the reorganization more useful.

Regards/Harvey Bingham
>Dr. Steven Lucas
>Chief Information Officer
>MatchLogic, Inc.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Harvey Bingham []
>Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 1998 1:30 PM
>To: WAI interest group; WAI guidelines group; WAI Education Outreach
>Subject: Re: Presentation on Page Authoring Guidelines 19980918
>In response to the suggestions of both Brian Kelley and Chuck Oppermann, 
>I've put two HTML versions of these slides out. I produced these using 
>Convert to HTML from PowerPoint 97. These are briefly described in:
>or start in the directory with the html version of the page authoring
>Zip file containing those 130 files 
[now broken link]:
>Original PowerPoint '97 file 
[now broken link]
>and zip of it 
[now PA980918.ZIP]:

Received on Tuesday, 29 September 1998 17:11:20 UTC