Re: java, anyone?

> >From today's NYT: "In a collaboration between two fierce computer
> industry competitors, IBM and Sun Microsystems Inc. plan to begin
> shipping the latest version of their jointly developed Java operating
> system for networked computers."
> Does anyone know if this includes all the accessibility stuff?  This
> could be the start of something big.

This is referring to Jini, right ?

Besides the fact that most of their material are in PDF/PS (not in
HTML), I don't think there's lot of it revelant to accessibility: it's
a very basic/system level architecture (doesn't mean it negavitely,
it's actually quite good) that facilitates access and delivery of
network services by looking up and reusing modular pieces on the
net. So it's more akin to HTTP than to HTML: protocol to find and
retrieve data/program, not the format of data/program. We might have
to check it's flexible enough to allow negociation of features, which
we've been talking about for HTTP in the past, but I doubt it would
fail that: it's pretty much application/domain independent.

Anyway, I happen to know about it because Bob Scheifler (Chief
architect of the X Window System and director of the eX Consortium,
where I used to work) is now in the Jini team. Hey, I'll ask him the
question directly.

Received on Wednesday, 5 August 1998 10:30:49 UTC