Correction:ADA/Internet/US Telecom Act

Please note correction to my previous posting that the cite is to the
regulations for the US Telecommunications Act is 36 CFR Part 1193 Appendix
to Part 1193-Advisory Guidance.  Manufacturers are not required to
incorporate all of the examples or any specific example because they are
meant to provide a useful starting point for evaluating the accessibility of
a product or conceptual design.

The WAI Draft Guidelines are certainly more comprehensive and helpful than
those stated in these particular regulations.  Moreover, this demonstrates
another reason why the WAI effort is so important to the development of the

Cynthia D. Waddell
ADA Coordinator
City of San Jose
801 North First Street, Room 460
San Jose, California  95110-1704
(408)971-0134 TTY
(408)277-3885 FAX

Received on Thursday, 19 March 1998 20:13:19 UTC