New Version of Guidelines

Hi all

There is a new version of the guidelines which has been posted to:

Give em a look over.  They incorporate everything that we have been able to 
get in there that our group seems to have reached consensus on.
In a separate email we are posting a short form of the change log.(the full 
one is on the gl site)
This short form change log just gives the latest input and changes.

The guidelines evidently are moving to official W3C Working Draft Status 
tomorrow.   Nice work everyone.   Keep the comments and input coming in. 
 We are going to be posting the unresolved issues from the Change log to 
the Listserve in individual messages so we can start threads on each.

If you have made a comment or know of any open issues that are not on one 
of the two change logs, please send a message to so that 
we can track it down and get it onto the log.

Chuck, Gregg, and Wendy

-- ------------------------------
Gregg C Vanderheiden Ph.D.
Professor - Human Factors
Dept of Ind. Engr. - U of Wis.
Director - Trace R & D Center
FAX 608/262-8848
For a list of our listserves send "lists" to

Received on Monday, 2 February 1998 18:57:53 UTC