Re: DESC and TABLE: descriptions for groups of elements

len speaks sooth when he writes:
> 	I think we may need more recommentations on assigning
> descriptions to groups of elements.

as i pointed out in my last post, in the absence of widespread
cell-to-cell browsing, in order for a TABLE to have any meaning
when rendered by a text-based browser and audiblized by screen
access software, it is essential that, as len suggests, that the TABLE 
components:  TABLE, TH, TR and TD  be supplemented with ALT and LONGDESC
arguments...  this is particularly important if users are to be given a
de-tablization option via their browser of choice..

likewise, i would strongly re-emphasize len's call for both ALT and
LONGDESC arguments for DIV and for a GROUP tag...


Received on Wednesday, 22 October 1997 21:49:25 UTC