OPTION -- Making SELECT structures with lots of...

As an add-on to the discussion I would like to say waht we need
is the "tree-structure" with the "closed" and "expanded" behaviour
we know from windows.
This is (hidden) in the text (SCOPE-attribute), but if we want this 
why don't we say this more clearly to the HTML group?
This will be equivalent to what windows users are accustomed to.

The question was raised:
> Would one or another of the above versions be better for
> accessibility reasons?  Under what conditions?
> How much is this sort of hierarchy going to help speech, braille,
> etc. users as compared to search-for-string, go-to-number and
> other functions that the browser can provide to get around in
> a flat list?

The first requirement is that the structure used by the designer is
clear. If so a standardized structure - like the tree- or tabsheet one -
helps especially the speech user to navigate faster.

Make sure the "jump on letter typed" option is always working !
Best regards,

Message from: Jaap van Lelieveld      The Netherlands
              Chairman of EBU commission on Technical Devices and Services
E-mail:       Jaap.van.Lelieveld@inter.nl.net

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Received on Monday, 20 October 1997 16:37:06 UTC