launching the IG review

The following is, give or take, the process that Judy Brewer has

There will be an introductory overview email broadcast on the IG
list that summarizes the process and briefly surveys the issues.

Issues associated with proposals are:

ORDER     Preserving the logical reading order of text

OPTION    Making SELECT structures with lots of OPTIONs comprehensible

TABLE     Making TABLEs comprehensible

DESC      Text associated with images

REF&META  Associating HTML contents with external documents
          (and similar LINK and META extensions)

I am suggesting that we mention the following but not try to
stimulate discussion on them:

     Images used as list bullets
     Range of MEDIA values
     Controlling dynamic features

For each of the first set of five areas, there will be a
discussion-starting email with the following outline:

  - Summary of the problem

  - Summary of the draft recommendation from the HC group

  - Discussable points -- e.g. 3-5 leadoff questions
     ("So, what do you think?" does not count)

  - Participant instructions -- including please use topic code in subject.

All six of these messages will go out over the IG mailing list in
a burst.  Discussion will be welcomed asynchronously.  If things
get slow we may pick a topic to poke at more actively.  That kind
of facilitator behavior should be coordinated through Judy.

If anyone can throw together a draft of one of the five topical
messages please speak up.  I will draft something for any or all
of these during office hours of Wednesday, Boston time.  If
anyone can help, let me know you will do one and I will skip that
one.  But these should be sent over the HC mailing list by East
Coast suppertime.

Then y'all will have about 12 hours with them to comment and fix
any glaring gaffes.  I will collect them and take care of
coordinating their being sent over the IG list on Thursday with
Judy.  And we'll be off...

-- Al

Received on Tuesday, 14 October 1997 22:20:26 UTC