new internal draft of HTML 4.0

The HTML-WG has just had a new release of the HTML 4.0 spec.
I would like to encourage members of this list to review
the new draft, and to focus in particular on the chapter
on tables.

Please note that this draft is internal to the HTML-WG and
should not be distributed to other people at this point.
I am making it available to the WAI-HC group at this time
because of the urgency of us reaching an understanding we
can report to the WAI-IG by the end of this coming week.

Note that the accessibility features for tables aren't yet
fixed, although our room for freedom is rather limited by
the time available and the desire to minimise changes to
visual browsers if possible to ensure that HTML 4.0 isn't
blocked at the Proposed Recommendation stage.


-- Dave Raggett <>
phone: +44 122 578 2984 (or 2521) +44 385 320 444 (gsm mobile)
World Wide Web Consortium (on assignment from HP Labs)

Received on Monday, 13 October 1997 11:34:25 UTC