Re: Dictionary link types

to follow up on what Murray Maloney said:

> At 11:29 AM 23-09-97 -0400, Al Gilman wrote:
> >Murray, can you expand a little on how RDF would connect this
> >connection?  I am behind in my RDF homework.
> >
> The short answer is the RDF is intended to be used
> to identify resources and make assertions about
> what those resources are. So, you could say that
> a resource exists at a specific URL and that it
> is a "phonetic dictionary". Any application that
> wanted to find a phonetic dictionary would look
> at the list of resources identified and get that
> resource.

Jason, is that concrete enough?  Or should we try to 
expand on this scenario to make it clear how it works?


Received on Tuesday, 23 September 1997 11:59:10 UTC