Techniques to-do

Hi everyone,

We've made some good progress on techniques for 2.1 [1], this is a hit list of the top priority remaining techniques that need doing.

Sufficient techniques at A/AA, we only need 1 more to have at least 1 per SC:

  *   Character key shortcuts, e.g. "Users have a way to turn off single-key shortcuts"

(There are a couple already drafted but not published yet, only character key shortcuts is missing a draft.)

Some failures are needed for:

  *   Identify Input Purpose, e.g. "Using incorrect autocomplete values for user input fields".
  *   Reflow, e.g. "Using fixed sized containers or fixed position content that is larger than 320px".
  *   Text-spacing, e.g. "Using fixes size containers that cause text to overlap when text spacing is applied".
  *   Content on hover/focus, e.g. "Failure of content on hover or focus due to content not being dismissible".

And at AAA:

  *   Timeouts, e.g. "Setting a session timeout to occur following at least 20 hours of inactivity."
  *   Target size, e.g. "Ensuring that touch targets are at least 44 by 44 CSS pixels."
  *   Concurrent Input Mechanisms, e.g. "Only using high-level, input-agnostic event handlers in Javascript".

There are more techniques to do, but to get use coverage of 1 sufficient & 1 failure at A/AA, and a technique at AAA, we're almost there [2].

Kind regards,


1] Changelog:
2] Tracking spreadsheet

--<> / @alastc

Received on Tuesday, 23 July 2019 14:38:37 UTC