Re: Bug: Firefox Accessibility Inspector reports placeholder attribute as eligible for accessible name

On 09/08/2018 07:41, Schnabel, Stefan wrote:
> When placeholder is allowed as visible label replacement by the group 
> (some screen readers treat that pragmatically already as such when no 
> label is declared) we need also a user agent requirement from the group 
> not to hide it on input focus. Some browsers hide placeholder, others 
> don’t.

I don't think the core discussion here was about whether or not 
placeholder is allowed to count as a *visible label* (as indeed the text 
disappears after user input, causing problems), but rather whether or 
not it's kosher for placeholder to be included in the accessible name 
computation by browsers. Two separate issues.

Patrick H. Lauke | |
twitter: @patrick_h_lauke | skype: patrick_h_lauke

Received on Thursday, 9 August 2018 07:28:07 UTC