Silver Requirements Issues

I've filled an issue regarding retiring "testability" to be replaced with
"measurability" in Silver

This is a huge issue, and there is very little discussion of this in the
requirements document. This requirement is pulling the testability
foundation out from under WCAG and replacing it with measurability. It may
or may not be a good thing. It could work out very well or it could make
the guidelines unusable in a legal framework. We would need to get input
from lawyers who have been involved in multiple settlements and lawsuits
involving WCAG.

I think it is premature to declare this shift for Silver in the
requirements document, but rather the requirement should say that its needs
to investigate testability vs measurability as a basis for the success
criteria (or whatever they will be called in Silver).

David MacDonald

*Can**Adapt* *Solutions Inc.*
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Received on Tuesday, 10 July 2018 16:05:36 UTC