Re: Testability of Animation from interactions Issue 18

Just reading through this thread - if the main user issue in user-initiated animation is really parallax scrolling, can we not focus on that - assuming that it will mostly involve the entire viewpoint - and demand that it’s either avoided or, when used, there are UA, or a11y-supported common browser or site settings available that will disable parallax scrolling?
Regarding other smaller animations, it will be very difficult to define / quantify the type of animation and in turn how distracting it may be - on a continuous scale from slow / subtle / hardly noticeable and not a problem at all, to really annoying. 

> On 13 Jan 2017, at 18:48, Alastair Campbell <> wrote:
>> Do we have any research on what animation is most distracting?    
> There is some here:
> It isn’t extensive (in relation to web design), but given the existence of several organisations dedicated to vestibular disorders, and the fact that Apple got enough feedback about those issues to add settings to iOS, we know it affects quite a lot of people. Therefore it should have similar importance/impact as the current animation one.
> The interviews and examples in the page provide details about what type of things are triggers, it is just how to phrase it.
> Cheers,
> -Alastair

Received on Saturday, 14 January 2017 11:58:24 UTC