Re: Issue 77 Resize Content SC - deadline - 6th May 18:00 EST.

Um, I sent this to the list a week ago, could we start there?

Hi everyone,

I’ve put together some initial responses to comments on the Resize content SC, both from public/member comments, and the recent survey:

I’ve combined up comments and grouped them by theme to keep it (more) manageable, so there are three main responses, and then ‘other issues’ below is smaller issues/comments.

I *think* most aspects can be tackled in the understanding document, and the proposed the response outlines what that would be.

The main question is the relation to the current 1.4.4, where (as predicted) it would be clearer if we could edit 1.4.4, even just to raise it a level.

Kind regards,


From: Joshue O Connor

Hi all,

Apologies but we had a resolution on this SC on a call in January but I neglected to send out the CFC to the list. Thanks to Marc Johlic for pointing this out - so I'm sending this out now. [1]

On that call  - the working group accepted the proposed SC 'Resize Content' - with minor changes. [1]

Here is a link to the issue and the most recent survey. [2] [3]

If you have concerns about this proposed consensus position that have not been discussed already and feel that those concerns result in you “not being able to live with” this decision, please let the group know before the CfC deadline  - 6th May 18:00 EST.




Joshue O Connor
Director |

Received on Thursday, 4 May 2017 15:56:28 UTC