Re: CfC: Checkbox and Radio button labels and 1.3.1

Hi all,

> via aria-label or title attribute
>  <p><input type=“checkbox” aria-label="Please send me a ton of email"> Please send me a ton of email</p>
> AND:
> <p><input type=“checkbox” title="Please send me a ton of email"> Please send me a ton of email</p>

Have the working group reached the consensus that using aria-label or
title attribute passes SC 1.3.1?

As I commented on the github, the visible label text itself is not
programmatically determined even if those attributes provide the
accessible name.

SC 1.3.1 reads "Information, structure, and relationships conveyed
through presentation". In this case, the requirement of the SC would
be to make the visible label text programmatically determinable as the
label for the checkbox.

- Makoto

Received on Tuesday, 8 December 2015 16:21:58 UTC