Re: Screen Magnification

Hi All,​
​+1 for panning. I use it all the time with ZT.

I do not want to minimize the importance of screen magnification software,
or seem ungrateful for that matter.  The problem is that it as the only
recognized accessibility support recognized by WCAG, it doesn't leave much
professional opportunity for people who are not brilliant.

I have a question. Are the accessibility API's robust enough powerful
enough to support a software like this.

Reads the API syntax direction translation of the page content and
constructs a linear, word wrapped, enlargeable visible web page with all
the content of the original  page. Maybe overlay the original page with
this API generated page. We never  change the original page.   I/O would
work like speech recognition.  The software would translate the user
commands (by mouse or keyboard) into keyboard access for the original page.
Are there any barriers in the current API and web security model that would
prevent this?

My guess is that we will have to expand our concept of accessible content,
API usage and security sandbox communication to do this, but it could be
started for reading.

I know WCAG WG is a regularity body, not a developer. So proposing new AT
is not its purpose.  I just wonder if our current configuration could
support something like that.

Thanks Gregg, I didn't want to sound anti screen magnification.


Received on Monday, 22 June 2015 16:11:46 UTC